Welcome to SIGGRAPH 2021
Technical Papers Committee

Technical Papers Chair
Sylvain Paris
Technical Papers Sorting Team
Nina Amenta
Wolfgang Heidrich
Takeo Igarashi
Jaakko Lehtinen
Steve Marschner
Niloy Mitra
Carol O’Sullivan
Holly Rushmeier
Noah Snavely
Nils Thuerey
Michiel van de Panne
Technical Papers Conflict of Interest Coordinators
Miika Aittala
Moritz Baecher
Mikhail Bessmeltsev
Robert Bridson
Nathan Carr
Siddhartha Chaudhuri
Stelian Coros
Carsten Dachsbacher
Olga Diamanti
Julie Digne
Daniel Holden
Jia-Bin Huang
Wojciech Jarosz
Sophie Joerg
Achuta Kadambi
Changil Kim
Leif Kobbelt
Rafal K. Mantiuk
Jim McCann
Rahul Narain
Michael Neff
Matthew O’Toole
Victor Ostromoukhov
Manolis Savva
Pradeep Sen
Shinjiro Sueda
Siyu Tang
Natalya Tatarchuk
Wenping Wang
Gordon Wetzstein
Andy Wilson
Bo Zhu
Victor Zordan
Technical Papers Committee
Timo Aila
Yagiz Aksoy
Sheldon Andrews
Ken Anjyo
Christopher Batty
Florence Bertails-Descoubes
Nicolas Bonneel
Duygu Ceylan
Fanny Chevalier
Danniel Cohen-Or
Keenan Crane
Angela Dai
Abe Davis
Tali Dekel
George Drettakis
Kayvon Fatahalian
Matthew Fisher
Hongbo Fu
Abhijeet Ghosh
Yotam Gingold
Ioannis Gkioulekas
Diego Gutierrez
Sehoon Ha
Eric Heitz
Philipp Herholz
Nicolas Holzschuch
Hugues Hoppe
Ruizhen Hu
Hui Huang
Qixing Huang
Eakta Jain
Wenzel Jakob
Doug James
Angjoo Kanazawa
Jan Kautz
Michael Kazhdan
Min H. Kim
Johannes Kopf
Paul Kry
Kyros Kutulakos
Jehee Lee
Seungyong Lee
David Levin
Anat Levin
David Levin
Tzu-Mao Li
Jing Liao
Ming Lin
Miles Macklin
Marcus Magnor
Maud Marchal
Rachel McDonnell
Pooran Memari
Niloy Mitra
Manuel M. Oliveira
Mark Pauly
Hanspeter Pfister
Daniel Ritchie
Ana Serrano
Ariel Shamir
Alla Sheffer
Tamar Shinar
Melina Skouras
Barbara Solenthaler
Shuran Song
Olga Sorkine-Hornung
Ayellet Tal
Xin Tong
Ashok Veeraraghavan
Etienne Vouga
Laura Waller
Michael Wimmer
Chris Wojtan
Sai-Kit Yeung
Ersin Yumer
Hao (Richard) Zhang
Kun Zhou
Lobbying Reviewers
It is strictly prohibited to make any attempt to intervene in the review process. For example, submitters contacting a committee member or a person they suspect to be a reviewer during the review process and mentioning the submitters’ own submission is considered as an inappropriate intervention, even if the submitters do not explicitly ask for a favor. Committee members and reviewers will be asked to report such incidents, and subsequently may be marked as conflicted and removed from the review process for that submission. For the most serious interventions, the submission may be rejected without completing the review process.