
I am a Pebble
Event Type
Computer Animation Festival - Electronic Theater
Film and TV
Visual Effects
Arts & Design
Gaming & Interactive
Production & Animation
Ultimate Supporter
Ultimate Attendee
Exhibitor Ultimate
Enhanced Attendee
TimeMonday, 9 August 20217:48pm - 7:54pm PDT
Lead Creator Maxime Le Chapelain
Studio/Organization Affiliation(s) ESMA
Synopsis Bubble a young otter, lives with three mossy stones and thinks of them as her family. Bulle imagines them as real otters, but as she becomes aware of their true nature, she has to face her loneliness.
Country(s) of Origin France
DescriptionBubble a young otter, lives with three mossy stones and thinks of them as her family. Bulle imagines them as real otters, but as she becomes aware of their true nature, she has to face her loneliness.